How to Have It All Working From Home as a Mom

Written By: Lauren Whaley

Working From Home While Raising Your Kids Is Possible

Your kids are up before you can get your first cup of coffee in. You’re not sure what day it is. The craziness has already begun. One just threw up on you, one is listing off a breakfast order, and the oldest apparently mastered the eye-roll.

Stay at home moms – you love every minute of it, most of the time

You love being at home with your kids but sometimes it seems like if you’re not overwhelmed or stressed out, you’re just bored. You don’t feel like watching another TV series. You want to help your significant other with the income. You want to stimulate your mind on subjects you actually care about – not Doc McStuffins.

You’re a stay at home mom and your kids are your life

But you want more. 

And guess what? It’s okay to want more and working from home as a mom is possible.

  • But where do you even start? 
  • Would you have support from your significant other? 
  • What would you do?

Soon you’re drowning in Google search results for “stay at home mom jobs online” or “how to make money as a stay at home mom.” You’re deep in the rabbit hole and starting to feel paralyzed by choices.

How can I make this work while raising my family?

How to Make Money Being a Stay at Home Mom

There are thousands of job options for stay at home moms. A lot of stay at home jobs offer the flexibility you need to take care of your kids, and still get your work done.

Something worth thinking about is what you like to do and what you find interesting. The last thing you want is to start working from home and not enjoy your work – that’s definitely not the point. 

The point is to find something you enjoy that also makes money. All while continuing to be at home with your children.

Some stay at home jobs calling your name might be:

  • Copywriter or Editor
  • Creative Entrepreneur
  • Interior Designer
  • Personal Stylist

Let’s take a look at a few of these jobs in some more detail.

Copywriting for Stay at Home Moms

Copywriting is a great stay at home job if you love writing and have a deep passion for a certain subject. Copywriters usually start by writing for small businesses and involves writing blogs, website content, landing pages, email sequences, case studies, and more. You’ll be able to make your own schedule and write about topics you actually care about.

With copywriting the topics are endless but here are a few examples:

  • Health and Wellness
  • Finances
  • Yoga
  • Cannabis
  • Art
  • Motherhood

The possibilities are endless!

Turn Your Hobby Into a Side Hustle

Another example of a stay at home mom job that’s super flexible is turning your crafts into cash. 

Have you been crocheting as long as you can remember? 

Or making earrings since you were in your teens? 

You could turn a hobby into more than gifts for friends and family. Start an Etsy shop of your favorite items and see where it goes. Or even start by posting about your products on Instagram or Facebook, then gauge how interested people are in buying from you.

Doing crafty things can be a fun and fruitful way to start your own business while working from home.

I know a mom who’s always super stylish. Stylish to the point you would have thought she doesn’t have kids. People were always loving her outfits and asking how she came up with that style. So many people kept asking her that she decided to start her own business as a personal stylist. She literally helps people buy clothes for themselves – as her job. She has 3 kids and quit her 9-5 job a long time ago to be a personal stylist full time.

None of the jobs listed above will break the bank either. Most stay at home mom jobs don’t require a large investment to start out. If you’re thinking of making a hobby into a business, you don’t need to invest thousands and thousands of dollars to start it or be successful.

You can make money AND not miss those important milestones that make you so happy as a mother and are the reasons for being a stay at home mom in the first place. Think about the real reason you’ve already chosen to stay at home. It’s all for the special moments with your kids.

Once you decide to become a mom boss, you need to develop a mom boss mindset. 

Mindset as a Stay at Home Working Mom

You probably already know this, but your mindset is key when it comes to being a mother. It’s also important when you decide to work from home and continue to raise your kids at the same time. You have to have a strong mindset about what you’re doing for yourself and your family. 

Without a positive mindset, you can fall down the rabbit hole of doubt. Doubt will try to overcome you, but with a strong mindset, it won’t stand a chance.

Here are a few things to consider when developing your mom boss mindset:

  • Know your purpose and remind yourself daily.
  • Have patience with yourself – this is a huge change!
  • Be ready for setbacks and failures, because they’re part of the process.
  • Give yourself grace.
  • Keep practicing your positive mindset – it doesn’t happen overnight.

Be ready to transfer all this into being a stay at home mom while working. Eventually, you will achieve your goals with a positive mindset.

You’re going to have to be headstrong and a mom boss. Find a way to achieve this and success will be easier for you, no matter what you decide to do. But you can do it, and it may be easier than you think. And lesson number one: time management.

How to Balance Work and Play

Being a mom boss will require time management. But you already know about this. The baby is down and the toddler is watching a show – you have 30 minutes. Do you do the dishes or do you take a shower?

Time management is essential to balancing being a stay at home working mom. You’ll make time to do your work, the tasks motherhood requires, and have quality time with your kids and family. With effective time management skills on your side, you’ll be working smarter and not harder.

It’s always a good idea to finish your most important tasks first by making a list. You don’t know what each day is going to bring but knowing what’s most important and getting it done will help you achieve your goals faster.

Time management will help you:

  • Reduce stress while working
  • Crush deadlines
  • Work more efficiently
  • Plan your days
  • Accomplish more while at home and work

Creating a schedule will keep you focused and determined. A schedule allows you to spend quality time with your kids while also working towards your family’s future. A schedule allows you to know what you’re in for and how to tackle each day. 

Are you a new mom with your first baby and decided to stay at home? 

A seasoned mom with 3 kids under your belt who’s tired of not helping the household income? 

Whatever type of mom you are – you can work from home. Because one of the best parts about working from home is the flexibility.

Enjoy the Flexibility of Working From Home

Working from home allows you flexibility while taking care of your kids. When you work from home as a stay at home mom – you’re in control of your days. You’re the mom boss.

If you want your day to start at 11 am, you can. One of your kids doesn’t feel good and needs extra snuggles? Push back the work until later or tomorrow. 

Flexibility is one of the greatest aspects of working from home as a mom. You can make your own schedule that includes playtime with your kids. Playtime you’ll actually look forward to and be excited about.

There are lots of jobs which give you this flexibility. You have to find what fits you and you can make it work. Making it work will look different to every mom and the best part – you’re in control of how much money you want to make.

Making Money While You Stay at Home Is up to You

Another bonus to working at home while raising your family is that you’re in control of how much money you make. 

You want to make a little money working a few hours a week to add more into the savings – it’s possible. You want to rake in some serious dough – also totally possible. 

Maybe you’ll have to have grandma watch the kids one day a week or hire a babysitter twice a week if you really want to crank out some work. Whatever the circumstances are, it’s all possible and it’s all up to you.

Money is such a stressor in life, but it doesn’t have to be working from home. You can take a load off your significant other by not being the only source of income. It will make you feel better helping out with the finances and providing for your family in another way. And it will give you something to focus on other than watching Frozen for the sixteenth time.

Working from home allows you to be with your kids more and you won’t miss out on those important milestones that make being a mother so great.

Don’t Miss the Milestones With Your Kids

No one said it would be easy to stay at home with your kids while working – but it will be worth it. 

There’s a reason you’re already at home with your kids – you want to be. And if you’re looking into work from home jobs so you can make that switch and be with your kids – you won’t regret taking the leap.

You want the life of being a mom and watching your kids grow before your eyes. It’s only a matter of time before they don’t want anything to do with mom.

Don’t miss all the joys of being a mother out of fear of failure. You want to be present and experience it all. Working from home allows you to enjoy all the little moments and the big moments – while still making extra cash.

Those milestones come and go so fast. Any mother will tell you that. 

The first smile happens in the blink of an eye.

Then they’re crawling.

Then walking.

Then babbling.

Then talking.

And just like that, they’re in preschool. 

You don’t want to miss out, and you don’t have to as a working stay at home mom.

Working from home will still allow you to be there for these moments. Yes, maybe your face will be in a computer some of the day or in your craft room getting busy, but you’re still at home with your kids. That’s what matters.

The Reward

Being able to stay at home with your kids while also working will be rewarding in so many ways. You’ll feel better helping with the finances at home and for not missing those important milestones with your kids. You’ll be there for your kids when they need you – and you’ll be there for it all.

The flexibility of being your own boss and making your own schedule will be gratifying in itself. You’ll be in control of the kids and how your day goes. Sure you’ll have some hiccups, but with the right mindset, anything is possible. Remember to stay positive and to keep moving forward. You’ll learn how to manage your time and create balance in your routines.

Even if sometimes it feels like you’re climbing up a hill – it’ll be worth it. Don’t doubt yourself. Being a mother is the hardest – yet it’s the best job on Earth. So anything added to it will be another juggling ball thrown in. You can juggle it, and you can be successful working from home as a stay at home mom!

And remember, it’s like growing flowers – it takes time. You have to plant the seed, water, water some more, wait, and cross your fingers for good weather. You’ll get so excited once the first sign of growth starts, and then you’ll be on cloud nine when the first flower blooms.

But you’ll never know until you try – so get to planting!

About Sarah

I’m an entrepreneur on a mission to help other people become entrepreneurs.
My blog is a place where I provide business building advice and explore how we can create more meaningful work.

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